Saturday, March 17, 2012

Be true

I listen to you all the time
Do this do that, all time
Giving you all the highlights
All you did is give me a hard time

What is up with this love shitt
I dont know if i was ever fit
Things that don't matter now
Are what I do anyhow

Coz thats what I feel worth
But wait
I ain't settling beneath the earth
Ima do what I have to
Not giving a fuck

I love you
For everything you made me go through

See all alone
Writing this shitty ass poem
Tell me when to stop
Coz I can go on and on

Making people laugh
Now I am joker
This is what I am best at
Coz life is now like playing poker
with no resting gap

You don't listen
Do you
I said poker
Running after money ??
Then I am better off immature honey

Coz all you thing about is to get
Fuck it
Talking to you is all a waste

Gotta think before I say anything
Coz you pussy ass people take shitt seriously
But on the other side
It tells me I need to apologize
I listen to it
Coz it's only her I can ever get with.

Where did I go
I miss myself
Being alone
Truth to thyself.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Be Proud of who You Are

Dont want to be a superman and fly
Be proud of you and don't cry
Coz it ain't fun being only one of your own kind.
You got the hero you always wanted to find.

If you do what you want to
Going at it, striving to prove
Doing everything there is to do
And step down on everything you woe
I'd say you got the hero in you.